
CNE Blog

Category: Announcements

Philanthropy Day Postponed


Dear Friends and Colleagues –

At CNE, we strive through our work to build community.

This week our community partner, the University of Virginia, experienced a tragedy which ricocheted across the university and…

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Short Board Education Sessions

Our nonprofit members represent arts, children, education, environment, faith, health, housing, seniors, and more. These are the organizations that enact a vision of Strong Nonprofits. Strong Community. Members uniquely connect CNE…

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Celebrate Latinx Heritage

It may come as a surprise to many, but Cinco de mayo is not Mexico’s version of the Fourth of July. September 16 is the day those of Mexican heritage celebrate the…

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A Change to CNE’s Job Board

As part of CNE’s ongoing Justice & Equity work, we are evaluating our own practices, programs, resources, and services, listening and being responsive to our members, and as always,…

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It doesn’t matter if you live in Scottsville or Scotland, the first day of school can be very long—as these pictures Lucie’s mom recently shared with the world illustrate. As students,…

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Collaboration for Social Change

Each of us may have a slightly different definition for what a nonprofit organization does. Still, we can all agree that nonprofits meet a need within a community. When nonprofits and their community partners join together to…

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One of the most frequently-asked questions we hear at CNE is “how do I start a nonprofit”? From personal experience to perceived community need to a desire to share resources, people consider starting a nonprofit organization for…

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Whether under an umbrella at a lake or next to the ocean, sitting on the back porch or the downtown mall—summer calls to the outdoor reader in all of us. You will find a host of nonprofit-focused reading lists online…

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Learning from Dad

Even though they share the moniker, no two dads are exactly alike. Which makes it no surprise that each father and/or influential male in our lives has a little something different to instill upon us. Here are a few…

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Save the Date: Philanthropy Day 2019

Each fall CNE hosts Philanthropy Day as a way to bring together a diverse audience to celebrate, educate and motivate stakeholders from the nonprofit sector.

This year we are honored to welcome…

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Spring Is Here

Famed groundhog Punxsutawney Phil may have been a bit off the mark yet again when on February 2 this year he promised a greener season would be fast approaching. More than six weeks later, no thanks to Phil, spring has…

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Leaders To The Front

Think about the leaders at your nonprofit. Did you immediately picture the Executive Director? Were you focused on the President and CEO? Was the first person who came to mind the Board Chair? The people in these roles do

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Local Advocacy

Last summer, Charlottesville City Council began a review of the Agency Budget Review Team (ABRT) process –  the process by which the City funds nonprofits. The City is looking at how to revise the process to bring further alignment between grant awards to nonprofits and the City’s strategic priorities.

Earlier this…

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What Can the Numbers Tell Us?

To collect data or not to collect data? Forbes tells us there’s no question; data is key in nonprofit management. What we do have to ask is how we can use good data to do more good in our…

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Nonprofits Support Federal Workers

As the current government shutdown continues, federal workers who are either furloughed or working without pay are struggling. Many people are looking for temporary work, relocating to live with family, and trying to maintain their homes and favorable credit scores. Those who rely on government services which have been…

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