Grow Connections Through Good Stories
I remember sneaking out of the house when I was a kid to hide under the orange tree in the backyard and read a book. Fiction always. Often mysteries, with a notebook on hand to track the clues. From…
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10 Keys to Success for Nonprofit Mergers
A new study found that staff and board retention, management succession, and branding of a new organization are among the most critical issues in any nonprofit merger. This article examines the study’s…
Read MoreApply Now for Board Academy 2017
You are a skilled professional who strives to be a better leader in your community. You are serious about giving back. Even at the end of a busy day, you…
Research and Evaluation in the Nonprofit Sector: Implications for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Research and Evaluation in the Nonprofit Sector: Implications for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Research, evaluation and data regularly inform philanthropic and policy decisions, and vice versa. This article examines how creating and using databases that measure every contact, activity,…
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The Ecosystem of Good: How We’ll Revolutionize Philanthropy
Connecting with others in the social good community can drive new solutions and catalytic impact. This article discusses the ecosystem of good—people, organizations and communities coming together in a collaborative system…
Read MoreCreating Brand Champions
Recently I went to a workshop CNE organized with our strategic partner, the PATH Resource Center, in Warrenton, VA. The trainer, Liz Johnson, of Mountain View Marketing, covered a lot of ground around branding,…
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7 Step Policy Guide for Nonprofit Operating Reserves
Operating reserves provide stability and promote strategic decision making for nonprofit organizations. This article walks through seven steps to developing a policy to manage the use and replenishment of reserve funds.
Read MoreGet Ready to Step Into the Spotlight!
Organizations that are on the front lines of environmental and social issues find themselves managing crises and advocating for others who are not handed the mic. When the reporter comes to call, you want to
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Leaders Who Get Change Right Know How to Listen
Organizational change comes at a cost. It requires people to sacrifice something they value, whether it’s time, money, responsibilities, control, status, comfort, or relationships. The more your change effort disrupts…
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Clinton and Trump: A Tale of Two Foundations
The 2016 presidential race has focused unprecedented attention on the charity and philanthropy of the candidates. Unfortunately for the nonprofit sector and those who advocate for its beneficiaries, most of the…
Read MoreEmbrace Ambiguity and Be More Adaptable
We can learn a lot about ambiguity from Keith Richards, who once said, “I look for ambiguity when I’m writing because life is ambiguous.”
Since the Industrial Revolution we in the western world have been led to…
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Benchmarking Individual Donors
Data on retention is critical to understanding an organization’s fundraising program. When leaders know how many of their donors renew their giving each year and how many drop off, they can more reliably forecast income, measure…
Read MoreEffectively Engaging with Clients Facing Poverty
When faced with a crisis you might focus on the negative. Or you can consider a positive outcome, what assets you might access to turn things around, and what strengths you can tap into that will help you find…
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Mapping an Engagement Strategy for Successful Year-End Appeals
This is the best time of year to map out your engagement strategy and thank your donors. This article explains how to develop a thoughtful approach to help your messaging stand…
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An Ode to the Underappreciated Spreadsheet
It’s easy to fall into the trap of seeing spreadsheets only as applications for managing money, or at the very least, for working with numbers. But the structure and features of spreadsheets make…
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Designing for Good #5: The Best of End-of-Year Email Campaigns
With the season of giving almost upon us, it’s important to start planning your end-of-year email campaigns. This article highlights some of the best of last December’s appeals and…
Read MoreEvaluate and Evolve
It’s crucial to capture data.
Philanthropists seek it. Organizational strategy is informed by it. Data helps us to measure our impact, identify our successes, and avoid repeating our mistakes. Survey and Evaluation…
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“Brain drain” is a term commonly used to describe this movement of highly skilled individuals from poor countries to rich countries. “Reverse bran drain” involves the movement of educated, skilled migrants back to their homelands…
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Networking with People You Can’t Meet in Person
In order to develop solid professional relationships with contacts outside your immediate geographic area, it’s increasingly essential to master the nuances of virtual networking. This article provides three ways to connect…
Read MoreTechnology: Like it. . . or Not!
Technology. Most days I like it, but Wednesday was one of those “or not” days.
It started early last week when the Foundation Center computers would not connect to the internet. These computers are
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