What We’re Reading
How to Be a C.E.O., From a Decade’s Worth of Them
Adam Bryant, who has spent the past decade writing the Corner Office column for the New York Times, has some advice for you on leadership! Read management…
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Finding New Donors Requires Creating a New Market
“Think of your organization’s cause as a product.” How well are you selling your product? Read on to find out how to…
What We’re Reading
Simple Ways to Spot Unknown Unknowns
Sometimes the hardest person to manage is oneself. Read these three strategies on helping yourself anticipate your own blind spots.
What We’re Reading
Scientific innovation can spark social progress. How can we scale science for the public good, rather than commercial profits? Read this article from Stanford Social Innovation Review and…
What We’re Reading
The Social Sector’s F-Word — Failure
How does your nonprofit recognize and learn from its mistakes? Read this article to learn how to overcome and grow from “failure.”
Mistakes Happen
From typos to having to pull your foot out of your mouth; we’ve all been there. The opportunity to mess up is with us from when we wake (mismatched socks, anyone?)…
What We’re Reading
Board Management Workshop: Is Your Board Structured for Impact?
Watch this workshop on BoardSource‘s 2017 “Leading with Intent” study and its implications for your nonprofit’s board!
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Philanthropy’s Missing Trillions
“In the next 20 years, an estimated $30 trillion will be inherited in the United States as the large and prosperous Baby Boomer generation passes its wealth…
NEW Resource: Collaboration Roadmap
Last week, CNE board member Dan Layman, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of the Central Blue Ridge, encouraged us not to forget to invite donors to the collaboration table as both funding and strategy partners….
Read MoreCollaborations: The Missing Party
Periodically, we’ll be featuring a thought piece from one of our amazing CNE board members. We hope you’ll enjoy this chance to get to know them better and hear a bit of their story. This piece was…
Read MoreWhat We’re Reading
How to Put Humanity Back Into Your Nonprofit’s Impact
A reminder that your nonprofit serves individuals, not statistics.
What We’re Reading
Why Twitter’s 280 Character Expansion is Bad for Nonprofits
Did you know that Twitter is expanding its character limit to 280 characters? Here’s one take on how this could affect…
What We’re Reading
How Nonprofit Programs Scale Up: Findings from the Wallace Foundation
Is your nonprofit doing enough to build upon current success? Read the Wallace Foundation’s latest report on scaling up social…