What We’re Reading
Is Exploiting Workers Key to Your Nonprofit Enterprise Model? The New Overtime Requirements
In this Nonprofit Quarterly article, columnist Andy Schmidt responds to the reactions some nonprofit leaders have had to adjustments in overtime requirements. Raising controversial…
Read MoreIt’s Time to Party!
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Celebration of Strong Nonprofits on June 7, 2016, 5pm to 7pm at IX Art Park. The RSVP’s are rolling in…
What We’re Reading
8 Trends That Are Reshaping Nonprofit Accounting
What steps can nonprofits take to become more efficient so that they can do even more for their communities? This NP Engage article pulls from the expertise of top nonprofit…
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Retreats Really Are Not Vacations
This article from The Nonprofit Times runs through the dos and don’ts of an effective board retreat. As many nonprofits struggle to engage their board well, the article notes that it isn’t just…
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Investing in Infrastructure: What Holds Foundations Back From Funding Technology?
Many grantmakers already understand the importance of infrastructure—yet that understanding isn’t often reflected in their grantmaking. This often leaves nonprofits underdeveloped when it comes to technology and organizational…
Read MorePut the Fun Back in Annual Fund
You’ve planned meals for the week, meetings for the month, and vacations for the summer, but have you planned your annual fund campaign? Are you concerned about setting realistic goals? Perhaps you are new to the annual fund or…
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How to Preempt Team Conflict
Team conflict can add value or destroy it. In 25 years of researching team dynamics, coaching teams in Fortune 500 corporations, and teaching thousands of executives at Duke University, London Business School,…
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Why Cooperate?
It’s well known that strong social networks can lead people to engage in cooperative behavior. But what are the underlying forces that help build and sustain such networks? Delia Baldassarri, a professor of sociology at…
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Governance and Accountability: A Different Choice for Nonprofits
Governance is of central concern to nonprofits, yet theories of nonprofit governance are underdeveloped in comparison with corporate governance. This Nonprofit Quarterly article aims to expose and question the…
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How to Bet Big on the American Dream
According to return-on-investment calculations from the Bridgespan Group, large amounts of capital, invested in targeted, on-the-ground innovations that are already producing results (but at too small a scale), can pave…
Read MoreModels and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard
Nonprofits are built around mission and desired outcomes but must be supported by the right revenue and expense models— which together comprise an integrated enterprise model. As an organization’s goals, strategy, and operating context shift over time, a dashboard…
Read MoreWhat Leadership Looks Like In Different Cultures
Although the core ingredients of leadership are universal (good judgment, integrity, and people skills), the full recipe for successful leadership requires culture-specific condiments. Depending on the cultural context, your typical…
Salary Survey Benefits Local Nonprofits
Let’s talk about money! Changes in organizational structure, especially pay structure, can make us more competitive, and can make our staff happier. Taking part in the CNE Nonprofit…
Social Media Effectiveness for Public Engagement: An Example of Small Nonprofits
When small nonprofits work with social media, they are faced with many considerations, including ways that constituencies wish to communicate; resulting engagement, social action, or donations; how widely used and well suited various platforms of social media are for…
Read MoreThe Sustainability Prerogative: Nonprofits in the Future of our Economy
In his book, Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity, Douglas Rushkoff argues we have failed to build the distributed economy that digital networks are capable of fostering and have instead doubled down…
Read MoreThe Best of Online Fundraising 2016
Online fundraising is hard, but smart charities have shown that it can done successfully with innovative thinking and smart planning. This Chronicle of Philanthropy special report highlights nonprofits that are particularly good at it, and their secrets of success.
Mindfulness at Work
The rules you were given were the rules that worked for the person who created them, and the more different you are from that person, the worse they’re going to work for you. When you’re mindful, rules,…
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