What We’re Reading
How can you make a huge cultural phenomenon work for you? This article by Beth Kanter explores the success of Pokemon GO and the creative contributions it can create for a Nonprofit’s brand strategy and…
Read MoreAvailable Now: Updated Media Guide
We know positive media relations are crucial for nonprofits. That’s why we carefully compile and annually update the CNE Media Resource Guide. We want your organization to have the most up-to-date information. Spend your time highlighting your special events…
Read MoreWhat We’re Reading
Commentary: Nonprofits Can Help Prevent The Need To Grieve
Gun violence in America is a pressing issue both on government and the citizens who live with the atrocities committed in the past few months. This article by Paul Clolery…
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Digital Strategies are Moving the Needle for Nonprofits
In this article from npENGAGE, Madeline Turner outlines the progress of Digital Media as a tool for Nonprofit success. Here, Turner expresses the necessity to use social media as a means…
Read MoreIntroducing CoLab
Social change through collaboration—it has a nice cadence doesn’t it? Every day we are called upon to engage in joint efforts with multiple individuals, work groups, or organizations. This is known as collaboration. CNE has an exciting new program…
Read MoreWhat We’re Reading
Data as a Means, Not an End: A Brief Case Study
We all know measuring outcomes is important, but how should we adjust when burdensome data collection begins to get in the way of accomplishing our work?…
What We’re Reading
Who Says a Common Agenda Is Necessary for Collective Impact?
While we often gravitate toward people and organizations who think, look, or act similarly to us, this Nonprofit Quarterly Article suggests that networks are more innovative when…
Apply Now: Management Academy
Does your organization have promising young personnel, employees new to nonprofits, staff members seeking a deeper understanding of their roles
CNE’s Management Academy, a comprehensive nine month program, helps to grow talent while acclimating those new to the sector. An…
Read MoreWhat We’re Reading
How to Keep Cities Moving: Ideas for America’s Urban Leaders
How can urban leaders craft a better future by adapting the way we travel? Read this McKinsey article full of predictions and commentary on how our decisions shape the…
Introducing CNE Onsite
Let’s talk about our exciting new program: CNE Onsite! This program offers customized trainings where CNE staff and consultants come to you to cover a wide range of needs, including…
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The Pros and Cons of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
Is it a smarter technology decision for a Nonprofit to permit their staff to bring their own phones and tablets for work, or have them provided by the organization?…
Read MoreDon’t Quit: A Message from our Executive Director
Dear friends,
Enough. I’ve had enough. Of the tragedy and heartache all around me, the deep injustice, the systemic prejudice, the terrorism here and abroad, the senseless violence, the grief and suffering of the families who’ve lost their precious loved…
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Telling Stories that Move Donors to Give
In this article from FundrasingCoach, Dennis Fischman highlights the importance of having a strategy in reaching out to donors. By sharing stories in this outlined method, Fischman shows that this…
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How to Build Meaningful Relationships on Social Media. . .
In this article from npENGAGE, Austin Graff outlines his Nonprofit Marketing strategy in Digital Media. Here, Graff shows how simple it is to both appeal to the…
Read MoreSpecial Edition: New Customized Programs
CNE wants to ensure that your organization achieves maximum impact. That’s why we’ve designed four highly individualized programs with you in mind.
We know your organization has its own unique needs AND that it…
What We’re Reading
Can We Stop Arguing over “Nonprofit”?
How much do words matter when it comes to how we understand the social sector? This Nonprofit Quarterly article presents one opinion, arguing that what matters when it comes to cultivating…
Earn CFRE Credits Through CNE
CNE knows the deep value of your nonprofit work, yet there is a shortage of certifications and degrees to qualify it. Highly competent fundraisers sometimes meet with professionals who have a string of letters following their names. There’s good news…
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What Foundations Are Missing About Capacity Building
In this article from Harvard Business Review, Dan Pallotta discusses the traditional unwillingness of most foundations to allow more than 10% of grant funds to be put towards administrative costs….
What We’re Reading
Millennials and Hybrid Legal Structures Are Here to Stay
In this Stanford Social Innovation Review article, social entrepreneur Chris Miller forecasts a continued blurring of the lines between for-profit businesses and traditionally nonprofit causes. As more young…