
CNE Blog

Shout Outs and Celebrations

cne_three-minDespite a few sprinkles, our Celebration of Strong Nonprofits turned out to be an inspiring and impressive evening. We connected with friends, community leaders, and supporters who all share the…

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Put the Fun Back in Annual Fund


You’ve planned meals for the week, meetings for the month, and vacations for the summer, but have you planned your annual fund campaign? Are you concerned about setting realistic goals? Perhaps you are new to the annual fund or…

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What We’re Reading


Why Cooperate?

It’s well known that strong social networks can lead people to engage in ‪cooperative behavior. But what are the underlying forces that help build and sustain such ‪networks? Delia Baldassarri, a professor of sociology at…

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Models and Components of a Great Nonprofit Dashboard

Nonprofits are built around mission and desired outcomes but must be supported by the right revenue and expense models— which together comprise an integrated enterprise model. As an organization’s goals, strategy, and operating context shift over time, a dashboard…

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What Leadership Looks Like In Different Cultures

may16-06-128630138-700x394Although the core ingredients of leadership are universal (good judgment, integrity, and people skills), the full recipe for successful leadership requires culture-specific condiments. Depending on the cultural context, your typical…

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