
CNE Blog

What We’re Reading

Benchmarking Individual Donors

Data on retention is critical to understanding an organization’s fundraising program. When leaders know how many of their donors renew their giving each year and how many drop off, they can more reliably forecast income, measure…

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What We’re Reading

Reverse the Brain Drain


“Brain drain” is a term commonly used to describe this movement of highly skilled individuals from poor countries to rich countries. “Reverse bran drain” involves the movement of educated, skilled migrants back to their homelands…

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Grant Write With Gusto!

It’s a new day at your nonprofit. As you scroll through dozens of emails, a congratulatory notice emerges. You’ve been awarded a grant! Memory of the grueling application process trickles away, and you are flooded with relief. Grant writing…

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What We’re Reading

The Ecosystem of Shared Value

No company or organization operates in isolation. This article describes the movement known as collective impact which has facilitated collaborations between the private and the social sector, and how it can guide efforts to…

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Is Your Compensation On Par

Is your nonprofit staff receiving fair and comparable compensation for their good work? The 2016 CNE Salary and Benefits Report can help you determine that. A valuable tool for just $50, this report is now available for purchase. Please…

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What We’re Reading

Four Approaches to Nonprofit Sustainability

How can nonprofits increase growth while becoming more sustainable and less resource-constrained? This article describes four approaches to help organizations think creatively, develop a strong strategic plan for sustainability, breathe new energy into the organization, and access new…

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