What We’re Reading
Four Approaches to Nonprofit Sustainability
How can nonprofits increase growth while becoming more sustainable and less resource-constrained? This article describes four approaches to help organizations think creatively, develop a strong strategic plan for sustainability, breathe new energy into the organization, and access new…
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7 Apps to Boost Your Workplace Productivity
The right app can improve your productivity, but who has time to find it? This article makes saving time with technology easy by curating a list of apps recommended by productivity experts.
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Powerful PR in the Digital Age
How can we best optimize our presence in social media? While digital media has leveled the playing field for small organizations like nonprofits, there remains confusion as to how exactly to execute such…
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How can we better embrace the idea of networking by shifting our negative perceptions and fear of it? This article from the Harvard Business Review will explore four strategies to help people change their…
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Getting to the Heart of Healthy Funder-Grantee Relationship
What are the factors of a healthy relationship? And if a grantee and a funder have such, does it make a difference for the communities they
serve? This article from the Stanford…
What We’re Reading
A Graphic Re-Visioning of Nonprofit Overhead
A strong organizational infrastructure is vital, but how do we communicate with donors about the importance of investing in it? This Nonprofit Quarterly article provides helpful graphics for rethinking the way…
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How to Know Whether you’re Giving Your Team Needless Work
How do we ensure that we are not only keeping our team satisfied and engaged but leveraging the skills and abilities of individuals to their maximum potential?…
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Accelerating “What Works”
How can the results-driven attitude of social entrepreneurship inform and influence how we craft more efficient and effective public policy? In this article for Stanford Social Innovation Review, Results for America founder Michele Jolin…
What We’re Reading
The Connection between Pride and Persistence
How can managers foster a culture where employees take pride in their work, and why is it important to do so? This Harvard Business Review Article comments on the fruits of…
What We’re Reading
When Innovation Goes Wrong
The best of intentions don’t always lead to the best of results. This Stanford Social Innovation Review article explores what factors undermine the impact potential of an innovation effort,…
What We’re Reading
Win Win Strategies for Parent Organization Dynamics
To transform steering committees, you need two basic things. First, you need a parent organization that understands the benefit of a strong committee and empowers the steering committee to play…
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Perfect Often Enemy of Good in Fundraising
There are two words to keep in mind when a news story relating to your organization’s mission hits, according to Whitney Broadwell, of International Medical Corps: “Carpe momentum.” In this NonProfit…
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How social entrepreneurs can solve the talent problem
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Donor Retention: The Easiest Money You’ll Ever Raise
Donors can be fickle, and they’re fleeing our organizations in vast numbers these days. Your goal is to develop a loyal cadre of donors who you can count on year…
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How to Make Your One-on-Ones with Employees More Productive
How powerful is a face to face meeting? This Harvard Business Review article by Rebecca Knight takes a step back from the digital age methods of communication and gives a…
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How To Incorporate More Movement Into Your Nonprofit Training
This article by Beth Kanter recognizes the biological impact of instructional design that incorporates physical movement. The benefits, Kanter argues, enables active attention, retention, and better absorption of the information…
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Why Individual Giving Strategies Often Don’t Work for Communities of Color
Is there a difference in contributions from individual donors in communities of color, compared to historically white communities? This npEngage article by Vu Le argues that there is….
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Is Pokémon Go The Latest Shiny, New Toy?
Pokemon GO has exploded in the weeks since its release, but what does it spell for Nonprofits? This NonprofitTimes article, by Mark…
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Taming the Special Event Monster
Though creating successful Nonprofit events can be a very daunting experience, statistically it is one of the most successful careers in the United States! This fundraisingcoach article by A.J. Steinberg highlights the five main…
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Solved! The Nonprofit Data Mystery
How valuable is the seemingly useless data Nonprofits cast aside? This npEngage article by Steve MacLaughlin analyzes the bad habit of Nonprofits of ignoring email and address data, and how it can be applied…
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How can you make a huge cultural phenomenon work for you? This article by Beth Kanter explores the success of Pokemon GO and the creative contributions it can create for a Nonprofit’s brand strategy and…
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Commentary: Nonprofits Can Help Prevent The Need To Grieve
Gun violence in America is a pressing issue both on government and the citizens who live with the atrocities committed in the past few months. This article by Paul Clolery…
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Digital Strategies are Moving the Needle for Nonprofits
In this article from npENGAGE, Madeline Turner outlines the progress of Digital Media as a tool for Nonprofit success. Here, Turner expresses the necessity to use social media as a means…
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Data as a Means, Not an End: A Brief Case Study
We all know measuring outcomes is important, but how should we adjust when burdensome data collection begins to get in the way of accomplishing our work?…
What We’re Reading
Who Says a Common Agenda Is Necessary for Collective Impact?
While we often gravitate toward people and organizations who think, look, or act similarly to us, this Nonprofit Quarterly Article suggests that networks are more innovative when…