
CNE Blog

Category: Announcements

A New Pay-What-it-Takes Grantmaking Approach

You know that sinking feeling. Your programs are securely funded, but when your printer needs servicing, you’re faced with a depleted operations budget. You’ve spent half your day Googling “printer self-service tips” in an effort to avoid accruing overhead…

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Shout Outs and Celebrations

cne_three-minDespite a few sprinkles, our Celebration of Strong Nonprofits turned out to be an inspiring and impressive evening. We connected with friends, community leaders, and supporters who all share the…

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Put the Fun Back in Annual Fund


You’ve planned meals for the week, meetings for the month, and vacations for the summer, but have you planned your annual fund campaign? Are you concerned about setting realistic goals? Perhaps you are new to the annual fund or…

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Mindfulness at Work

The rules you were given were the rules that worked for the person who created them, and the more different you are from that person, the worse they’re going to work for you. When you’re mindful, rules,…

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An Invitation to Celebrate

celebration_2016_invite_finalLet’s celebrate our brightest moments in the colorful and creative IX Art Park. Join us outdoors for good food and great conversation, Tuesday, June 7, 5pm to 7pm.

Share your…

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An Investment in Talent Development


What’s one of the most important activities within your organization, and often the hardest to accomplish? Talent development. And yet, intentional staff cultivation is one of the best ways to keep your organization stable and focused on mission.

According to…

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Calling All Board Members

If your organization relies on philanthropic gifts, then board members are critical assets in building a strong culture of philanthropy. Board members are your most strategic volunteers, offering their time, talent and treasure to your mission, and can be…

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Facilitate with Confidence


Facilitate (v): to help (something) run more smoothly and effectively

– Merriam-Webster Dictionary

We all “facilitate” every day in one way or another, even…

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Less Email in Your Inbox!

Untitled designWith our roll-out last week, comes the opportunity for you to narrow in on the types of program information you want to receive. Only interested in program information…

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CNE’s Metamorphosis

E-news 1.28CNE has always cared about providing the very best programs and services to our members. We strive to keep pace with our evolving community and to continually meet…

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Predicting the Future

a4446106-296f-4f97-a584-837122cf1c06At CNE, we consider it our job to track new trends in and affecting the nonprofit sector. Framing these trends can help us better understand our local environment and…

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