
CNE Blog

Category: Announcements

Get Ready to Step Into the Spotlight!

Organizations that are on the front lines of environmental and social issues find themselves managing crises and advocating for others who are not handed the mic. When the reporter comes to call, you want to

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Grant Write With Gusto!

It’s a new day at your nonprofit. As you scroll through dozens of emails, a congratulatory notice emerges. You’ve been awarded a grant! Memory of the grueling application process trickles away, and you are flooded with relief. Grant writing…

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Is Your Compensation On Par

Is your nonprofit staff receiving fair and comparable compensation for their good work? The 2016 CNE Salary and Benefits Report can help you determine that. A valuable tool for just $50, this report is now available for purchase. Please…

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Strong Board. Strong Strategy. Sign up Today!

We get it! As a mission driven organization the ultimate reward is reaching your goal. Your team is equipped with necessary skills and tools. A dozen homes have been built. Several families have been fed. New opportunities…

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Fundraising Ramps Up as Summer Wraps Up

Isn’t August just so bitter sweet? We gaze up at the Perseid meteor showers, take one last day-trip to the beach, send kids to school with fresh back-packs, and return to fundraising as colleagues return from vacations. Trying to…

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Available Now: Updated Media Guide

We know positive media relations are crucial for nonprofits. That’s why we carefully compile and annually update the CNE Media Resource Guide. We want your organization to have the most up-to-date information. Spend your time highlighting your special events…

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Introducing CoLab

Social change through collaboration—it has a nice cadence doesn’t it? Every day we are called upon to engage in joint efforts with multiple individuals, work groups, or organizations. This is known as collaboration. CNE has an exciting new program…

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Apply Now: Management Academy

Does your organization have promising young personnel, employees new to nonprofits, staff members seeking a deeper understanding of their roles

CNE’s Management Academy, a comprehensive nine month program, helps to grow talent while acclimating those new to the sector. An…

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Introducing CNE Onsite


Let’s talk about our exciting new program: CNE Onsite! This program offers customized trainings where CNE staff and consultants come to you to cover a wide range of needs, including…

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Don’t Quit: A Message from our Executive Director

Dear friends,

Enough. I’ve had enough. Of the tragedy and heartache all around me, the deep injustice, the systemic prejudice, the terrorism here and abroad, the senseless violence, the grief and suffering of the families who’ve lost their precious loved…

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Special Edition: New Customized Programs

CNE wants to ensure that your organization achieves maximum impact. That’s why we’ve designed four highly individualized programs with you in mind.

We know your colab2organization has its own unique needs AND that it…

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Earn CFRE Credits Through CNE

CNE knows the deep value of your nonprofit work, yet there is a shortage of certifications and degrees to qualify it. Highly competent fundraisers sometimes meet with professionals who have a string of letters following their names. There’s good news…

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