
CNE Blog

Category: Announcements

Stand Up and Speak Up

As nonprofits, our bread and butter is community engagement. We must effectively engage clients, community partners, donors, elected officials, and other stakeholders to provide essential services. This is one way we make a stronger community. On occasion, an opportunity arises to make our collective voices heard,…

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Maintaining Balance During the End-of-Year Push

With its short dreary days, year-end fundraising crunch, and pressure to make the most of our time with friends and family, the holiday season can get some of us down. But we can and should work against the effects of the…

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Philanthropy Day 2018

Each fall we celebrate the vibrant nonprofit community and the transformational power of philanthropy in Central Virginia. This year we were thrilled to welcome Vu Le, the Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, to share his insights on…

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A Culture of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving! We at CNE want to add our voice of gratitude and appreciation. We are thankful for our nonprofit members who are deeply passionate about their work and strive tirelessly to serve communities across Central Virginia. We’re thankful for 

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Stand Up, Fight Back

Center for Nonprofit Excellence, its board of directors, and its staff condemn in the strongest voice the recent murders of members of the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and the African American citizens in Kentucky….

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An Inauguration Is Just The Beginning

“Building a stronger relationship between UVA and the surrounding community is one of my top priorities as president.”
UVA President Jim Ryan

This past weekend UVA inaugurated its 9th…

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CNE’s Updated 2018 Media Guide

Nonprofits thrive on community engagement and support, which requires regular communication. Even as nonprofits know this, staff are busy, budgets are tight, and nonprofits are facing audiences with increasingly short attention spans and what can feel like an overwhelming number…

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Be Prepared for the Next Emergency

CNE is thinking about our neighbors in the Carolinas currently preparing for and dealing with Hurricane Florence. Our hearts are with you in this trying time.

While the forecast for our area region has tempered, now is a great time to make…

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Data That Matters

Dear Colleagues,

How we compensate our employees and who we hire has a direct impact on our mission. That’s why CNE is excited to announce our first-ever Regional Nonprofit Compensation…

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Seeking Impact, Together

CNE believes that strong nonprofits build strong communities, that the people who power nonprofits should have access to high quality, affordable professional development, and that we can grow together as leaders and organizations. That’s why we partnered with 

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Some Surprising Changes to Nonprofit Tax Law

From time to time, CNE invites local experts to share their knowledge with the nonprofit community. This week Victoria Jones, CPA shares some insights on recent changes to federal tax law and what this means for nonprofits.

Nonprofit organizations…

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Attracting and Hiring Your Best and Brightest

I don’t think it is lost on anyone that your people are your greatest strength as an organization.

The question is how do you find and hire the best people that match your culture and are going to be amazing…

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