It doesn’t matter if you live in Scottsville or Scotland, the first day of school can be very long—as these pictures Lucie’s mom recently shared with the world illustrate. As students,…
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The Diversity Problem in Our Sector
Nonprofits have a diversity problem. Big time.
One reason for this is that we’re not doing a good enough job developing a diverse leadership pipeline, especially when it comes to leaders of color (and…
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A Graphic Re-visioning of Nonprofit Overhead
Most nonprofit leaders agree that we need a new way to communicate about the true costs of our programs and the vital importance of strong organizational infrastructure. But we have not yet developed…
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Why Art and Music Matter in the Fight for Social Justice
In my conversations with folks from arts and music organizations these past few years, though, I sense some existential angsts. A colleague asked me, “People are wondering what…
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The Diversity Problem in Our Sector
Nonprofits have a diversity problem. Big time. One reason for this is that we’re not doing a good enough job developing a diverse leadership pipeline, especially when it comes to leaders of color…
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Collaboration for Social Change
What We’re Learning
Maximizing Nonprofit Internal Controls: An Essential Guide for Even the Most Pure
Whether your nonprofit is more like an intimate family or an enormous well-oiled machine, fraud can occur, and when it happens, it can damage your reputation, relationships…
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Few would argue against the notion that boards of directors are supposed to represent the interests of “owners.” Yet, despite the intuitive importance of specifying ownership, over 70 percent of nonprofit board members interviewed regarding…
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A Master Class for Philanthropy in Listening
Throughout America today, headlines reveal political division, racial animus, and horrific episodes of gun violence sparked by xenophobic ideology. Along comes a new show on PBS — Family Pictures USA — that portrays a…
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One of the most frequently-asked questions we hear at CNE is “how do I start a nonprofit”? From personal experience to perceived community need to a desire to share resources, people consider starting a nonprofit organization for…
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How to Capture the Support of Younger Donors
We’ve entered a period in philanthropy that is governed by a new set of gravitational forces. Sweeping innovations ushered in by the Information Age have produced a generation of
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Unbalanced: A Map of Nonprofit Stakeholders
It goes without saying that nonprofits take many different shapes and forms, but all have a variety of stakeholders—that is, individuals and entities with a stake in their work, either because it can…
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Ignite Your Board Members’ Passion
Imagine this. Your gala is three weeks away, and even accounting for last-minute registrations, you are well below target. You review the list of table captains. The poorest performers? Five of your board members….
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Should Your CEO Serve as a Board Member?
The Nonprofit Ethicist weighed in on the question of executive directors serving as board members of the nonprofits they lead. In short, the Nonprofit Ethicist didn’t like it.
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What We’re Reading
12 Reasons Why You Should Gracefully Resign from a Nonprofit Board
Are you a valuable and valued board member for a nonprofit? If not, a graceful resignation and reassignment may be good for you and the organization.
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How College Towns Could Benefit More from Throngs of Student Volunteers
Millions of college students volunteer at soup kitchens, animal shelters and other nonprofits near where they go to school. The arrangement gives these young adults valuable experience that…
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This Nonprofit Job Board Requires Decent Wages
“If we want to talk about living wage, we have to do more than talk; we have to actually do something.” This statement may sound like it comes from a nonprofit…
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