

Laurie Jarrett Rogers

Independent Grant Writer
CNE Programs: Advanced Trainings - Annual Fund Series, CNE Workshops, Management Academy

Since March 1995, Laurie has worked as an independent grant writer for non-profits in the Metro Richmond area. From that position, she has assisted in all aspects of fund raising such as starting or increasing annual funds, formulating strategies for capital campaigns, developing case statements, assisting with board training and development, performing foundation and corporate research, writing grant proposals, creating development plans, assisting with budget development and teaching good stewardship of the relationships with funders.

Since 1999 she has developed and taught fund raising-related courses at UVA’s Institute of Government and in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, VCU’s Nonprofit Learning Point, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College’s Workforce Development Program, and conducted dozens of workshops and training sessions for smaller groups. In addition to teaching, Laurie continually participates in webinars and workshops to ensure her skills are current and honed. She is a member of the Grant Writers Professional Association.

She began her fundraising career in Richmond as the Annual Fund Director at the Valentine Museum and then became the Director of Development and Director of the Capital Campaign, a $30 million effort to renovate and restore the Wickham House and create Valentine Riverside.

Laurie has been a devoted community volunteer. For more than 25 years, she has volunteered with the annual fund, capital campaign and other fund raising activities for Sewanee: The University of the South. She has served on the boards of Richmond Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Free Clinic of Goochland, Boy Scouts Heart of Virginia Council, the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU and the Roslyn Episcopal Retreat Center. Laurie is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Richmond where she served as a committee chair of several committees and VP of Community Relations. She is also a past member of the Junior Board of the Children’s Museum of Richmond where she chaired the Peanut Butter ‘N Jam children’s concert series for three years.

She has been active in her church where she chaired a $3 million capital campaign, chaired the annual stewardship effort for two years, created and served as chair of the Stewardship Committee and served on the vestry as Junior and Senior Warden. She is currently on the vestry and serving as the Junior Warden at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. She is also a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia’s Stewardship Committee and helped develop a stewardship curriculum.

Before moving to Richmond in 1992, Laurie worked for two years in the Office of the Secretary at the US Department of Transportation as a Presidential Fellow. She also worked for two years at the US House of Representatives Subcommittee on Telecommunications & Finance.

Laurie has a BA in Political Science (with Honors) and Third World Studies from Sewanee and a Master’s in Public Policy from Duke University’s Terry Sanford School of Public Policy. She is also a graduate of the Leadership Metro Richmond program.