
Attracting and Hiring Your Best and Brightest

June 12, 2018

I don’t think it is lost on anyone that your people are your greatest strength as an organization.

The question is how do you find and hire the best people that match your culture and are going to be amazing contributors?

Across a couple of posts, I’d like to share a few things I’ve picked up along the way:

Check Your Assumptions

Most of the time when we write job posts we carry requirements from one spec to the next, for example, having a college education. Before you write the next spec ask yourself, ”Do I really need this role to have a college education? Or will sufficient experience, drive, and positive energy suffice?” If the later, consider striking the college requirement so you open your pool to more people and increase your odds of finding your next best candidate.

While on the topic of assumptions, many of us are completely unaware of our unconscious bias and this may be impacting our recruiting efforts. Consider blind recruiting, where candidate names and any identifying information are not shared, increasing the odds of our unconscious bias not impacting efforts to hire the best and brightest.

In the coming weeks I’ll share more about your process and how you can ensure you get what you need and want.

Susan Dawson, a CNE board member, is the Chief People Officer at Silverchair Information Systems. This piece is the first in her series. Click here for part two.