
POP Talks at CNE

January 25, 2018

You’ve probably heard that our close relationships are important for our happiness and longevity. These are the relationships we tend to have with our spouses, parents, siblings, children, and dearest friends.

In a 2017 TED talk, Susan Pinker points out that just as important can be our “social integration”—how much we connect with other people in day-to-day activities. These are the relationships we have with neighbors, coworkers, and people we regularly see throughout our daily routines. Basically, interacting with people—be it your bank teller or the mailman—stimulates your brain and produces all those good neurochemicals we hear so much about.

At CNE, we strive to be a hub for the nonprofit community. We are in it with you. Our workshops and trainings provide a supportive atmosphere for learning, while our Leadership Circles and coaching services exemplify this relationship-building approach.

We’re also excited to introduce a new program format—POP Talks. Short for “Power of Partnership,” POP Talks provide a space for a facilitated discussion with other practitioners around topics that matter to you. They provide a place to hear from your peers, learn from their experience, and share your own lessons learned. More than just a professional development opportunity, these meetings help sustain our robust nonprofit community while giving you the chance to connect with others in your field.

Our first POP Talk of 2018, “Wise and Effective Group Decision Making,” will take place on February 6, 2018 from 9:00 to 10:30 am at our Charlottesville office. Join us.