
Video: Leading Equity Work in Your Organization—A Panel Discussion

October 30, 2020

Is your organization looking to address issues of racial equity, diversity, and inclusion, but unsure where to start or what the next step should be?

You’re not alone, and we’re here to help!

Many of us are beginning to see more clearly the transformation of ourselves and our organizations that the principles of equity and justice require. There’s no perfect blueprint or roadmap for the work these principles require. But there are people who have—through commitment and courage—created more diverse, inclusive, and equitable nonprofit organizations. We’re bringing together experienced practitioners and consultants who have led and supported organizations on this kind of journey, so we can learn from them.

Participants will leave with a richer understanding of:

  • Which areas organizations need to examine their policies and practices and do the work equity requires,
  • What kind of financial and social capital this work requires,
  • How to source, vet, and collaborate with DEI consultants, and
  • How organizations can take the next step on their DEI journey.


This session is intended for members of organizational leadership, board and staff.

Start a discussion at your organization! Assess your progress towards equity-based goals as a starting place for building a roadmap for change. Consider the people, programs, and politics that need to change. Seek out consultants to conduct trainings, facilitate conversions, and prove an outside perspective. Ask CNE for support!

CNE has two upcoming events that will help to keep your organization engaged in these topics:

Also, we are planning a workshop series dedicated to the board’s role in racial equity work that will take place in early 2021. We’ll send out more details as they become available.

During the discussion, folks mentioned several resources to support your work:

We also had some specific questions come up on the following topics:

Check out a more detailed list of DEI resources on our website, including a list of organizational assessments: htttps://www.thecne.org/justice-and-equity/resources/