
Did you know that CNE offers board matching?

August 03, 2017

“The main point is to first get the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) before you figure out where to drive it.”
—Jim Collins, Good to Great

Great boards don’t just happen. First, the right people are recruited. Nonprofit organizations need board members with relevant skills and perspectives, who are representative of the community, passionate about the mission of the organization, and want to make a difference.

Are you looking for the “right” board to join? Are you a CNE member looking for an additional tool to recruit new board members? Let CNE help. CNE’s Board Matching program began because of the need to identify talented individuals in the community who are interested in board service but may not know how to initiate the process.

When we connect with these individuals, we spend time learning about their interests, skills, and nonprofit experience. From there, we reach out to organizations that may be a fit for their interest and skills. If appropriate, we facilitate an email introduction between the individual and the organization. At this point, the organization would begin their own exploration and vetting of the potential board candidate. The introduction is not a guarantee of board service, but merely the beginning steps in the board fit process.

If you are a CNE member interested in CNE Board Matching—which should be just one element of a comprehensive board recruitment strategy—consider filling out an Organizational Profile so that we have it on hand during the matching process. And if you are an individual who wants to put your well-honed skills to use, build new networks, and create a positive impact in the community by serving on a nonprofit board, please take a moment to fill out our Get on Board form to start the process.