
Evaluate and Evolve

October 05, 2016

It’s crucial to capture data.

Philanthropists seek it. Organizational strategy is informed by it. Data helps us to measure our impact, identify our successes, and avoid repeating our mistakes. Survey and Evaluation help us to gather vital information about our organization and its programs.

In the face of declining resources, your donors, the media, government and the public all want to know what’s working and the impact of your endeavors. There’s a good chance you do too. Evaluation can be a great tool to demonstrate the value of your programs.
Nonprofit Answer Guide

But how to settle on a methodology? Which tools are most useful? What to focus on specifically? And how then to analyze it? Finally, when does and doesn’t it make sense for us to undertake a formal evaluation process?

Creating Surveys for Program Evaluation is an important CNE workshop that will help you to assess performance. Join community evaluation expert, Maryfrances Porter, of Partners for Strategic Impact, to learn practical, real-world knowledge and tools that can be adapted and used at your own organizations.

Participants will be guided in

  • Questions format, the do’s and don’ts of language, and choosing response options
  • Remaining qualitative & open-ended in your questions, interviews, and focus groups
  • How to overcome data collection barriers and avoid survey fatigue from participants
  • How to avoid limited staff buy-in and/or uncertainty over how to analyze the data

Register now for this valuable workshop offered on October 25, from 9am to 11am, at CNE.

Executive directors, program directors, and program managers are encouraged to attend.